R&D Projects
The evaluation of the results of complex reconstructive treatments of craniofacial bones and soft tissues with the use of free vascularized microsurgical grafts in patients with malignant tumour surgeries.
Research Plan 4.B.2 Oncology Centre – Maria Skłodowska-Curie Institute
Time of the project: 2010-2015
Project Author and Researcher
Method of treatment of large bone tissue loss in oncological patients with the use of in vivo tissue engineering
Funding source: National Centre for Research and Development
Manager of the project conducted by Timeless Clinic
The aim of the project is to set up an innovative method of regeneration of large bone tissue loss in oncological patients, based on the use of scaffold for tissue engineering and in vivo tissue engineering (iTE.) In this method, after the first stage of removing the bone tumour, an advanced refillment element (spacer) releasing antibacterial medicines and supporting radio and/or chemotherapy will be implemented in the area of the bone loss.
Simultaneously, advanced bioactive and biodegradable scaffold will be ectopically injected into the patient’s body, in the area supporting the formation of new tissue. After the in vivo creation of new bone tissue, the spacer will be removed and a prefabricated tissue flap (a product of tissue engineering) will be grafted and implemented in the area of mandible loss, ensuring its physiological and aesthetic functionality. To achieve this aim, an advanced spacer, a bioactive scaffold and a method of supplying them with bioactive agents will be worked out.
The results of the project will be tested in vitro and in vivo on small and big animal models.
Therapeutic potential of mesenchymal stem cells tested in clinical and in vitro trials – the justification for stem cell banking ABC Therapy, STRATEGMED
Funding source: National Centre for Research and Development
Co-author, co-initiator and manager of the project conducted by Timeless Clinic
The aim of the project is to develop the use of adipose-derived stem cells (ADSC) in regenerative medicine. The project will include two types of research activity. Within “from laboratory to clinic” path we will use our knowledge and skills to prepare ADSC to clinical trials planned within the framework of the project: in the treatment of diabetic foot as well as aesthetic medicine (patients with scars and aging of the skin.) In “from laboratory to stem cell banking and innovative preparation of stem cells application” path we are planning to implement ADSC banking service involving individual characteristics of differentiation potential of each deposited cell population.
We will search for the correlation between ADSC differentiation in stem cell culture and the results of transcriptomic and epigenetic analysis of cells as a quick method of evaluating the differentiation potential of the deposited cells. We will test new methods of preparing ADSC to application through the following techniques: mixed stem cells with different phenotypes derived from one population culture, connecting with biomaterials as cell carriers and “macromolecular crowding”. We will also test immunogenic character of human ADSC for the future use in GvHD (graft-versus-host disease) and in allogenic applications. The know-how generated by two academic centres will be validated and prepared to being implemented by four commercial partners.
Development of the Polish complementary system of molecular surgical navigation for the treatment of cancer
Funding source: National Centre for Research and Development
Project Author and Initiator, Project Manager
The growing significance of human health protection, aging of the society, striving for life quality improvement as well as an increasing number of modern-age diseases affect the need for new and improved medical products and methods of treatment.
The aim of the project is the development of the Polish complementary system of computer-molecular surgical navigation for the treatment of cancer, which is the second most prevalent reason for death in Poland and accounts for 17% of potential health hazards.
The development of the proposed technologies corresponds with a more general need for a significant improvement in preventing modern-age diseases (prophylaxis and treatment), such as cancer, based on research and development in the field of personalization and automation of surgical treatment of cancer.
The project focuses on the development of an innovative medical system of surgical navigation (MentorEye) supported by the rAAv molecular mechanism of labelling of tumour issue and its effective removal.
The accomplishment of the project objectives involves:
- the development of an innovative computer and molecular technology;
- conducting preclinical testing of the technology (in vitro testing and in vivo animal testing) in order to prepare it for further clinical tests
- the development of an innovative method of surgical treatment of cancer
The successful accomplishment of the ambitious objectives of the project requires the engagement of the most renowned and widely experienced research centres and investors possessing appropriate technical resources and equipment.
A phase II trial of safety and efficacy of ADRCs delivered via the intracoronary route in the treatment of patients with ST-elevation acute myocardial infarction.
Funding source: The ADVANCE Clinical Trial Cytori Therapeutics, Inc. San Diego, USA
Project Researcher
The aim of the trial was further examination and assessment of the efficacy of ADRCs (adipose-derived regenerative cells), generated by means of Celution ® System, in the treatment of patients with ST-elevation acute myocardial infarction. The examined medical product – stem cells and regenerative cells, were administered via the intracoronary route, delivering blood to the injured parts of the heart.
Bioimplants for the treatment of bone loss in cancer patients. Bio-Implant 2010-2014
Funding source: National Centre for Research and Development
Project co-funded by European Union within the framework of European Regional Development Fund (Innovative Economy Operational Programme 2007-2013, Priority 1, Measure 1.1, Sub-Measure 1.1.2)
Project Author, Initiator and Medical Research Manager
The aim of the project was the development of innovative tissue engineering technologies supporting the treatment of cancer, which is the second most prevalent reason for death in Poland and accounts for 17% of potential health hazards.
The development of these technologies has influenced the innovativeness and creativity of Polish biotechnology contributing to the economical development of the country and knowledge-based economy.
The project focused on the development and preparation for implementation of innovative tissue engineering products (bioimplants) supporting recovery and restoration of large bone loss resulting from the surgical tumour removal.
The final effect of the project was the development of a treatment method for cancer bone loss in the craniofacial area. The treatment method makes use of innovative technologies enabling the formation of a „custom-made” tissue engineering product and its implementation by means of computer-assisted surgical procedures.

The evaluation of the functional disorders of microsurgical graft donor site and their influence on the quality of life in patients with vascularized fibular and hip grafts for the reconstructive treatment of craniofacial cancer resection
Funding source: National Science Centre
Project Author, Initiator and Researcher
Head and neck cancers account for 5% of all malignant cancers diagnosed in Poland.
In the case of head and neck cancers the basic method of treatment is the tumour resection, which can not only result in a physical disability, but also serious psychological trauma.
The growing awareness of the necessity of resection surgery, on the one hand, and the development of the reconstructive techniques, on the other hand, have resulted in the reconstructive surgeries being recognized as a significant element of modern complex head and neck cancer treatment.
The current research in this field indicates the significance of assessing the potential functional loss for a patient, not only in the head and neck area, but also in the graft donor site, which can undoubtedly affect a better recognition of the rehabilitation methods in the initial phase of the treatment as well as its further consequences.
The proposed project is a continuation of the conducted prospective trial of patients with head and neck tumour surgical resection and vascularized bone graft reconstructive treatment.
The aim of the trial is a prospective comparative analysis of the influence of grafting on the donor site of the two most commonly used vascularized bone grafts: from the ilium area and vascularized fibular graft performed after large resections of craniofacial tumours and the immediate microsurgical graft reconstructive treatment as well as an analysis of their influence on the quality of life and general physical ability of the patients.
The subject of the study will include: an analysis of walking parameters with the use of Vicon 460 computer motion analysis system, dynamographic platforms and Motion Lab Systems electromyograph; an analysis of medical history and physical examination of the condition of the donor site as well as the influence of the choice of individual rehabilitation methods according to a complex protocol; an analysis of possible complications in the post-surgical period and remote complications.
The trial will be conducted prior to the surgery as well as 1 and 3 months after the surgical treatment. Additionally, during each medical consultation patients will be asked to fill in a standardized quality of life questionnaire EORTC QLQ-H&N35. The obtained results will also enable the development of suitable health care standards in patients after head and neck cancer treatment and complex reconstructive autologous graft treatment as the rehabilitation and health care strategy for such patients have not been worked out in Poland yet.
The evaluation of the operating field cleanliness during long-lasting surgical procedures in head and neck cancer patients
Research Plan 4.B.1 Oncology Centre – Maria Skłodowska-Curie Institute
Project Initiator and Coordinator of the Student Society realizing the Project
Improvement of surgery techniques in the treatment of patients with head and neck cancer.
Clinical internship in Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Head and Neck Service in New York
Foundation Board of the Foundation of Count Jakub Potocki
Project Beneficiary