Dr Janusz Jaworowski is the author of several dozen research papers and articles published in renowned scientific journals.
Accuracy of experimental mandibular osteotomy using the image – guided sagittal saw
Contamination of the surgical field in head and neck oncologic surgery
Leiomyosarcoma of the external ear–Case report
In head and neck region leiomyosarcoma is a very rare finding. This tumor is usually located in abdominal cavity. We report a case of 78-year-old man with tumor of the auricle that was resected with 0.7 cm margin. Histological and immunohistochemical analysis revealed the leiomyosarcoma. Adjuvant therapy was not advised. During 3 years of follow-up there are no signs of recurrence. Review of the literature shows that the survival of patients with leiomyosarcoma in head and neck region seems to be similar to other kinds
Navigated surgical tools calibration issue in computer aided tumor resection procedures
Fixation procedure for bone reconstruction in maxillo-faxial surgery
The Maxillo-Facial Surgery System for guided cancer resection and bone reconstruction
Microsurgical fasciocutaneous and musculocutaneous free flaps in head and neck surgery
OBJECTIVES: Reconstruction of the head and neck continues to pose a significant challenge for reconstructive surgeons. In many cases microsurgical free flaps provide superior functional and aesthetic results with limited donor-site morbidity and are considered as a method of choice. The purpose of this article was to present the experience of our institution with free flaps used for reconstruction of various cutaneous and mucosal defects in the head and neck region. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a retrospective study of
Gait Pattern In Patients After Mandible Reconstruction Using Free Fibula Or Iliac Crest Flaps In The Treatment Of Head And Neck Tumors
Regenerative & Functional Medicine
In vivo microtomography in assessment of bone tissue regeneration in bioactive scaffolds
Intraoral microsurgical anastomosis of the free bony flaps–report on two cases