powiększanie biustu klinika białystok

Breast augmentation Białystok, breast implants

dr janusz jaworowski białystok

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular procedures in plastic surgery, allowing for the shaping and enhancement of the appearance of the female bust.

The various expectations and possibilities of patients have influenced the development and diversity of methods allowing for the change in the appearance of the breasts. Understanding the unique needs and desires of each woman has driven innovation and the continuous improvement of techniques that enhance firmness, shape, and breast size.

Dr. Jaworowski, as a specialist in plastic surgery with experience in oncological surgery, possesses extensive knowledge about the female bust and vast experience in breast procedures. In his long-standing practice, he has performed countless breast surgeries, including augmentation with implants, lifts, mastopexies, symmetrizations, tumor removals, and reconstructions and corrections of defects resulting from such operations.

Many years of experience of Dr. Jaworowski and the use of 3D visualization help achieve the desired breast augmentation results while maintaining excellent aesthetic effects. Additionally, the endoscopic method guarantees no traces of the surgeon’s intervention in the inframammary fold and around the nipple.

The success of the operations performed by Dr. Jaworowski is based on selecting the appropriate method to meet the patient’s needs. Breast augmentation is performed using silicone implants or by using fat taken from other areas of the patient’s body (lipotransfer).

The method of placing the silicone implant (incision in the inframammary fold, periareolar or endoscopic) depends on the patient’s expectations and conditions as well as the size of the implant (e.g., with a small prosthesis size and a large areola, a periareolar incision can be performed, but a large implant and a small areola make this option difficult).

Breast augmentation by plastic surgeon Dr. Janusz Jaworowski (Białystok)

Thanks to advances in medicine, plastic surgeons are able to offer patients many possibilities for improving their appearance. Among plastic surgery procedures, breast augmentation is undoubtedly the most popular.

The breast is undoubtedly one of the most important attributes of feminine beauty. It is also completely understandable that women want to feel attractive. Meanwhile, many women are dissatisfied with the appearance of their own breasts. According to statistical surveys conducted in the United States, the demand for breast augmentation surgery has increased by almost 50% over the past 20 years! Patients consulting Dr. Jaworowski complain about breasts that are too small, asymmetrical, sagging, or not firm enough. Modern, significantly less invasive plastic surgery procedures with relatively short recovery periods, such as endoscopic breast augmentation, make it easier for patients to make decisions. Hence the growing popularity of procedures related to breast augmentation and lift.

To meet the expectations of women, Dr. Jaworowski offers a wide range of aesthetic surgery solutions. Patients who want to achieve satisfying results with minimal surgical scarring can benefit from the endoscopic breast augmentation procedure. This technique allows for an increase in breast volume, enhancement, and significant shaping of their contour.

Breast augmentation surgery allows patients to see their bodies in a completely new light, which can boost self-esteem.

Breast augmentation – What does this procedure involve?

Breast augmentation procedures use one of two types of fillers to ensure an increase in breast volume and the desired visual effect. The first option is natural filler, which is usually fat tissue previously harvested from another region of the body during a VASER lipo liposuction procedure. The second, and much more common option, is filling the breasts with silicone implants. This method is more popular due to its longer-lasting effect. An additional advantage is the ability to precisely select the volume and shape of the implant, allowing for more accurate control over the final cosmetic result.

What should I pay attention to when choosing implants?

During the first consultation visit, plastic surgery specialist Dr. Janusz Jaworowski listens attentively to each patient. He learns about their expectations, needs, and concerns regarding breast shape. Then he presents various options and proposes the most optimal solution, part of which includes selecting the appropriate breast implant.

The first and most important consideration is, of course, size. Patients have many options to choose from. Implants are available in volumes ranging from 100 to several hundred milliliters. Since it is difficult to imagine how these numbers translate into a visual effect, during the first visit, patients can see sample implants, touch them, verify their size and consistency, and a 3D visualization of the patient’s body showing a simulation of the final appearance after surgery is performed before the operation.

This decision is not the easiest, which is why Dr. Jaworowski accompanies the patient and, thanks to his experience and extensive knowledge, helps in choosing the appropriate model that will achieve the desired cosmetic effect.

Another decision to be made is the choice of the shape of the implants. Round – symmetrical implants can be used. Another option is a teardrop-shaped implant, which corresponds to the anatomical shape of the breast. It has some bulging at the lower pole, which results in a somewhat more natural effect. The choice of the shape of the implant should be influenced by the patient’s body structure, the natural appearance of the breasts, and the expected results.

Currently, Dr. Jaworowski uses implants characterized by a smooth silicone surface that guarantees the best safety profile. Most often, the implants are filled with silicone gel and have a texture that resembles the natural consistency of the breast. Models from reputable companies have several significant advantages. Their specialized structure ensures that the implant moves naturally with the breast during body movements. The same applies to changes in body position. The products offered to patients have also been thoroughly tested for adverse effects, revealing an extremely low (near zero) incidence of complications related to the so-called connective tissue capsule formation, which is the coverage of the implant with connective tissue after it is introduced into the chest area.

How does breast augmentation surgery with implants look like?

The course of the surgery is determined with the patient during the consultation visit. The body structure of women can vary significantly, so each patient requires an individual assessment, analysis of the conditions for breast implant insertion, determination of the incision site, and placement of the implant itself.

Before the surgery, the patient is admitted to the clinic for appropriate preparation. All breast augmentation procedures are performed under general anesthesia, meaning that the patient sleeps during the operation and feels no pain.

The breast augmentation procedure typically takes about 1.5 – 2 hours. There are two important stages in its course:

Stage 1: Skin incision. The location of the incision is chosen based on several factors, such as the anatomical structure of the breast, the size and type of implant, its final placement, but most importantly, the patient’s preference.

There are three main surgical approaches. The incision can be made:

  • In the armpit area (endoscopic method),
  • Along the edge of the areola,
  • In the crease just under the breast.

Endoscopic breast augmentation leaves the best-hidden, virtually invisible scar. More information about this approach can be found below.

3 miesiące po zabiegu implanty piersi białystok

Stage 2: Implant Placement. After making the incision, the surgeon creates a pocket where the previously selected implant will be placed.

Silicone implants can be positioned in one of two locations – under the pectoral muscle or above it. The more commonly used submuscular placement allows for a more natural softness after filling and is associated with fewer complications. The second method is usually utilized for women who actively engage in strength sports and have well-developed musculature. This approach is also used in situations where the patient has an atypical chest structure. There is also the “dual-plane” method, which involves partially placing the implant under the pectoral muscle. This method has the beneficial effect of reducing post-operative pain compared to the classic submuscular variant.

What is the endoscopic breast augmentation technique?

Endoscopic breast augmentation involves making a single incision of 3-5 cm in the fold under the armpit and then placing the implant in a designated location. In this surgical technique, a camera and tools are inserted through the incision to enable precise maneuvering of the implant. The use of this method requires specialized skills and extensive experience in the field of plastic surgery and breast augmentation.

What does the rehabilitation after surgery look like?

After breast augmentation surgery, the patient remains in the clinic for 24 hours under appropriate medical care.

During the stay, a physiotherapist visits the patient to assist with mobilization. Directly after the procedure, pain may occur, so to ensure the patient’s comfort, the staff provides appropriate doses and types of pain relief medication.

Pain should gradually subside within the first few days after surgery. Swelling, which accompanies the healing process, can persist for a few weeks but will diminish over time.

To minimize swelling and improve the healing process, it is recommended that patients wear a special compression bra during the postoperative period.

Recovery is individual, but many patients report feeling fully energized after a week. However, physical exertion should be limited for some time. Light physical activity can be resumed after 7-14 days, while strength training should be postponed for a few weeks (4-6). Returning to work that does not require significant physical activity is possible within the first week.

After 2-3 months post-surgery, the breasts will gradually begin to take on a satisfactory appearance.

Is this procedure for me? – Indications for breast augmentation

There are many reasons for breast surgery. The most important is the unsatisfactory appearance of the breasts. Breast augmentation is the main reason for visiting the clinic. Depending on the patient’s expectations, the procedure can achieve natural or spectacular results (in the case of small breasts, augmentation always noticeably changes the appearance and usually also the woman’s well-being).

implanty piersi białystok

Indications for breast surgery also include the effects of natural aging processes. Pregnancies and breastfeeding periods can cause the breasts to sag, making it extremely difficult to restore their original appearance without the help of a plastic surgeon. Another very important reason for patients to seek consultations is having undergone inflammatory or cancerous diseases, which can result in visible changes in shape, deformation, or loss of breasts. Dr. Jaworowski, as an oncological surgeon and plastic surgery specialist, has extensive experience in restoring breast shape and reconstruction, as well as modeling fully healthy breasts.

Breast plastic surgery is a procedure whose main goal is to improve the patient’s psychological and physical comfort. Negative perception of one’s body can lead to mood deterioration, a decrease in self-esteem, and sometimes even withdrawal from social life.

Plastic surgery can significantly help improve comfort, self-confidence, and satisfaction with one’s body appearance. It is important to remember that the decision to undergo plastic surgery should not be based on the desire to meet someone else’s expectations.

Contraindications to Breast Augmentation Surgery

Among the main contraindications to the procedure are primarily:

  • Uncontrolled diabetes,
  • Hypertension,
  • Blood clotting disorders,
  • Infections in the skin area of the breasts or general infections,
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period,
  • Certain autoimmune diseases.

Breast Augmentation Cost

The cost of breast augmentation depends on many factors, primarily the chosen method, type of implant, and the extent of the size change (implant volume or fat for transfer). The price for breast augmentation performed by Dr. Jaworowski starts from 19,000 PLN. The final price is determined during a visit to the clinic and depends, among other things, on the chosen method.

Dr. Jaworowski invites you to consultations in Białystok (Renew Clinic) and Warsaw (Timeless).