
Dr. Jaworowski served as the scientific director of research teams in several high-budget projects funded by the National Centre for Research and Development, EU funds (POIG), and national funds (StrategMed). He has over 20 years of experience in the field of reconstructive and aesthetic plastic surgery and oncological surgery, evidenced by thousands of treated and satisfied patients.
Through his continuous pursuit of innovation, Dr. Jaworowski has become a discoverer of new surgical methods and new applications for microvascular tissue flaps in reconstructive surgery (perforator flaps). He is also a pioneer in the use of implants for oncological patients. He was the first in the country to perform plastic and reconstructive surgeries using proprietary computer navigation systems.
Dr. Jaworowski’s innovative approach has resulted in numerous awards for scientific achievements, including: Luminatus 2015; Polish Invention 2014 – BioImplant; gold medal at the International Invention Fair and a medal from the Ministry of Education, Higher Education, and Research of France, Concours Lepin, 2014.
W swojej pracy zawsze kieruję się słowami przysięgi lekarskiej, pełen szacunku i wdzięczności dla swoich Mistrzów. Służę życiu i zdrowiu ludIn my work, I always follow the words of the Hippocratic Oath, full of respect and gratitude for my mentors. I serve human life and health to the best of my knowledge, counteracting suffering and disease, and bringing help to patients with the utmost respect and with their well-being as my sole aim. By enriching my own knowledge, I am happy to share it with other doctors, always with the health of patients in mind.
Dr. Janusz Jaworowski is a member of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, Inc. (WPATH).