Bioimplants for the treatment of bone loss in cancer patients. Bio-Implant 2010-2014

Funding source: National Centre for Research and Development
Project co-funded by European Union within the framework of European Regional Development Fund (Innovative Economy Operational Programme 2007-2013, Priority 1, Measure 1.1, Sub-Measure 1.1.2)

Project Author, Initiator and Medical Research Manager

The aim of the project was the development of innovative tissue engineering technologies supporting the treatment of cancer, which is the second most prevalent reason for death in Poland and accounts for 17% of potential health hazards.

The development of these technologies has influenced the innovativeness and creativity of Polish biotechnology contributing to the economical development of the country and knowledge-based economy.

The project focused on the development and preparation for implementation of innovative tissue engineering products (bioimplants) supporting recovery and restoration of large bone loss resulting from the surgical tumour removal.

The final effect of the project was the development of a treatment method for cancer bone loss in the craniofacial area. The treatment method makes use of innovative technologies enabling the formation of a „custom-made” tissue engineering product and its implementation by means of computer-assisted surgical procedures.
